Thursday, March 3, 2011

Podcast Over Here, Podcast Over There! Podcast Party!

A podcast is essentially an Internet radio show, usually pre-recorded, that can be listened to anytime on a computer or other technical device. Harry Potter geek that I am, I’ve been listening to Mugglecast (incidentally, one of the most popular and award-winning podcasts out there) since 2007. I’ve also tuned in to a few episodes of Imprint, a Twilight-inspired podcast. These two podcasts are great ways to listen to fellow fans analyze the books, the movies, and more in both an entertaining and educational way. Furthermore, I can see either or these podcasts being listened to by a group of Harry Potter or Twilight lovers at a library youth meet-up.

According to Podcast Alley, a web site that is a guide to the world of podcasts, there are 163 results for "library" podcasts. The number one result is called The Library Survival Guide, which is described as "tips, shortcuts and techniques for library research from Woodruff Library at Emory University." Thus far, there are ten episodes that can be downloaded directly from Podcast Alley by merely clicking a link. Podcasts are easy for both the podcasters and the podcastees, because they can be recorded and listened to at one’s convenience. They're a great way to record/listen to book discussions, author interviews, library tutorials, news of upcoming events, or anything else that one’s heart desires.

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